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Method to identify and design activation domains of plant transcription factors

Method to identify and design activation domains of plant transcription factors

Unmet Need The rise in the human population and a changing climate have placed increased strain upon the agricultural sector to produce high quality and high yield crops. This has led for a push to…

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Modeling an extreme ultraviolet lithography mask by a deep fully convolutional network

Modeling an extreme ultraviolet lithography mask by a deep fully convolutional network

Unmet Need Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography is a patterning method that is at the forefront of semiconductor fabrication technology. EUV lithography uses wavelengths of light that are as small as 13 nm to produce incredibly…

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Data quality assurance framework for machine learning in healthcare

Data quality assurance framework for machine learning in healthcare

Unmet Need Currently, larger clinical datasets and electronic health records are fraught with unstandardized parameters and invalid datapoints that can cascade in downstream analyses. Such errors have a 92% incidence rate. These errors would be…

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Void space and scaffold analysis of packed particles

Void space and scaffold analysis of packed particles

Unmet Need Granular materials are used in countless contexts and are appealing for several applications in biomedical engineering, including injectable tissue mimics and 3-D bioprinting. Packed microgel particles form granular scaffolds, which have been used…

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Harvis: an interactive virtual reality tool for modification and simulation of blood flow

Harvis: an interactive virtual reality tool for modification and simulation of blood flow

Unmet Need Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the largest underlying cause of mortality in the United States, causing one in every three deaths and costing an estimated $316 billion dollars a year. In recent years, computational…

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Software for predicting vibrational blade response in gas turbines

Software for predicting vibrational blade response in gas turbines

Unmet Need Virtually all commercial aircraft use gas turbine engines and 90 percent of the world’s electricity is produced by turbines. One of the grand challenges in turbomachinery is to predict the vibratory response of…

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A 3D tissue model for evaluating lymphovascular invasion of breast cancer cells

A 3D tissue model for evaluating lymphovascular invasion of breast cancer cells

Value proposition Tissue engineering is an emerging market expected to witness significant growth over the next few years, with a CAGR of approximately 34.9%. There are many applications of tissue engineering, including the development of…

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Detailed brain model for imaging research

Detailed brain model for imaging research

The XCAT brain phantom program includes a highly detailed anatomy for the human brain. Over 100 structures and vessels are modeled based on MRI data. The program will generate voxelized versions of the brain at…

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4D Rat Whole Body (ROBY) Phantom Version 2.0

4D Rat Whole Body (ROBY) Phantom Version 2.0

The 4D ROBY and MOBY phantoms were developed for small animal imaging research. They include highly detailed anatomies for a laboratory rat (ROBY) or mouse (MOBY) with over 1400 defined structures. The phantoms were designed…

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