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Showing 3 matches for the following: Inventor: "Collier, Joel" ×

Peptide materials for immunomodulation

Peptide materials for immunomodulation

Value Proposition Glatiramoids are biomaterials synthesized for use as immunomodulators. Specifically, they are polypeptide mixtures with randomized amino acid sequences. Glatiramoids are currently FDA approved for use in multiple sclerosis. They have also been explored…

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Sublingual immunization using supramolecular peptide-polymer conjugate tablets

Sublingual immunization using supramolecular peptide-polymer conjugate tablets

Value proposition Immunization with vaccines prevent illness, disability, and currently avert an estimated 2 to 3 million deaths every year. However, commonly-used vaccine technology platforms can be unpredictable, require a high manufacturing cost, and often…

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An adjuvant-free vaccine platform using self-assembling nanofibers

An adjuvant-free vaccine platform using self-assembling nanofibers

Value Proposition Vaccines have application for a wide range of human health conditions, including the treatment of pathogenic diseases, cancer immunotherapy, and the suppression of autoimmune disorders. In order to stimulate the immune system to…

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