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Home Technologies Cell line expressing chimeric Tie2 receptors
Cell line expressing chimeric Tie2 receptors

Cell line expressing chimeric Tie2 receptors


Duke inventors have generated a cell line that expresses chimeric Tie2 receptors. Specifically, NIH 3T3 cells were infected with retroviruses containing a plasmid that encoded the extracellular and transmembrain domains of the c-fms receptor fused to the cytoplasmic kinase domain of Tie2 to create the novel cell line. This cell line is termed 3T3-fTie2. cDNA and retroviruses with chimeric Tie2 receptors were also developed in the creation of the cell line.


  • Tie2 proteins in the cell line do not require activation by Angiopoietins
  • Evaluation of Tie2 kinase activity is independent of its different ligands and without activating the endogenous receptor

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