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Showing 3 matches for the following: Inventor: "Song, Allen" ×
Integrated parallel reception, excitation, and shimming coil design for magnetic resonance imaging
Unmet Need Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive diagnostic tool used by healthcare providers and researchers for a wide range of conditions. MRI is prone to static magnetic field (B0) inhomogeneities induced by the…
High-resolution diffusion weighted imaging enabled by multiplexed sensitivity-encoded imaging with inherent phase correction (MUSIC) method
Value Proposition Diffusion MRI has become the imaging modality of choice in the management of acute brain ischemia. The powerful technique has also been used in brain function studies and in diagnosis of brain and…
A mobile phone-based brain machine interface
Value Proposition A brain computer interface is a system that facilitates a direct communication pathway between a functional brain and peripheral electronic devices. The communication pathway may be used, for instance, to calibrate the movement…