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Photo-oxidants with comprehensive visible spectral coverage for energy conversion and catalysis

Photo-oxidants with comprehensive visible spectral coverage for energy conversion and catalysis

Unmet Need Photochemistry, or the use of light to promote chemical reactions, has only recently been adapted by pharmaceutical companies in the past 10 years due to the development of photoredox catalysts that utilize visible…

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A bio-based method for producing adipic acid by using an enzyme to selectively convert 2-oxoadipate to (R)-2-hydroxyadipate

A bio-based method for producing adipic acid by using an enzyme to selectively convert 2-oxoadipate to (R)-2-hydroxyadipate

Unmet Need Adipic acid (1,4-butanedicarboxylic acid; COOH(CH2)4COOH), is among the most-produced chemicals worldwide, with approximately 2.5 billion kilograms synthesized annually and a global market of 8 billion USD. The most typical use for adipic acid…

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