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Transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment for focal hand dystonia

Transcranial magnetic stimulation treatment for focal hand dystonia

Unmet Need Focal hand dystonia (FHD) is an involuntary movement disorder that occurs in an estimated 15 out of 1 million people. It causes sustained or intermittent muscle contractions that make it painful for people…

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ClinVar: Determining the factors influencing cardiomyopathy-associated gene variant call evolution

ClinVar: Determining the factors influencing cardiomyopathy-associated gene variant call evolution

Description ClinVar is a freely accessible, public archive of reports of human variations classified for diseases and drug responses, with supporting evidence. ClinVar thus facilitates access to and communication about the relationships asserted between human…

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Dementia Care Basics (DCB) 3 part video series

Dementia Care Basics (DCB) 3 part video series

Description A series of educational learning activities aimed to teach healthcare personnel strategies for engaging with people living with dementia, so as to minimze the development of challenging or disruptive behaviors. View the self-paced 3…

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Central Venous Catheter Insertion Device

Central Venous Catheter Insertion Device

Unmet Need Central Venous Catheterization (CVC) is a common procedure where a catheter is inserted into a large vein, typically in the neck, chest, or groin. With 5 million insertions a year, representing 8% of…

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The Chronic Overlapping Pain Condition Screener

The Chronic Overlapping Pain Condition Screener

Unmet Need Ten Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions (COPCs) are currently recognized by the National Institutes of Health Pain Consortium (eg, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic migraine headache, and chronic low back pain). These conditions affect millions…

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Duke Competency-Based Clinical Research Professional Onboarding Toolkit

Duke Competency-Based Clinical Research Professional Onboarding Toolkit

Unmet Need Currently, there are an estimated 5.7 million clinical research employees in the USA, along with an estimated 62,000 job openings. Despite this being a large field of employment in the USA, employee training…

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Spine Secure’s Non-Invasive Halo

Spine Secure’s Non-Invasive Halo

Unmet Need Globally, over 15 million people are living with spinal cord injury as of 2021. Based on data from 2019, 0.9 million new cases emerged in a year. While most cases are due to…

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Non-invasive peripheral retinal scanner using OCT

Non-invasive peripheral retinal scanner using OCT

Unmet Need Images and light that sporadically appear in an individual’s visual field are known as “Flashes and floaters.” These optical aberrations bring approximately 150,000 patients in for eye exams each year in the United…

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Metabolite biomarkers of human heart failure

Metabolite biomarkers of human heart failure

Value Proposition Heart failure is a very common condition affecting approximately 5.1 million people in the United States. Due to its association with age, the incidence of heart failure, as well as the cost of…

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Questionnaires for patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Questionnaires for patients with Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Unmet Need Diseases with unknown etiology and overlapping symptoms present a significant challenge for accurate diagnosis in clinical settings, often resulting in misdiagnosis. Patients often wait years before receiving a correct diagnosis and proper treatment.…

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Gene therapy for Crb1 retinopathies

Gene therapy for Crb1 retinopathies

Value Proposition Current treatments for retinal disease include laser surgeries, injectable corticosteroids, and other medications which may slow the process of retinal degeneration but are not able to stop it. The Crb1 protein has been…

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Identification and application of novel lipoglycodepsipeptide antibiotics

Identification and application of novel lipoglycodepsipeptide antibiotics

Unmet Need Antibiotic resistance (ABR) is a global public health concern. In 2019, an estimated five million deaths were attributed to antibiotic resistant pathogens. A recent study estimates that ABR could cause nearly ten million…

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