Contact Info
Phone: 919-681-7591 (mobile) 919-593-2740 Email: Address: Room:
Mitch Dozier joined OTC in 2005. As Director of Operations & Finance, he oversees agreement administration, revenue distributions, attorney payments, budget, HR and IT. Mitch has performed similar roles at Duke for Corporate & Venture Development, the Office of Research Contracts, Duke Medicine Global and Innovations in Healthcare, a non-profit start-up co-founded by Duke, McKinsey & Company, and the World Economic Forum. He was instrumental in the establishment and operations of Duke entities in Singapore and India and an office in Kenya. Previously, he worked as a management consultant with Andersen Consulting and Premier and as an internal consultant with Duke University Health System. In a variety of organizations, he has led efforts in process design, quality improvement, strategic planning, new product development, software development, marketing, decision support, balanced scorecards, budget management, cost accounting and customer service. Mitch received his MBA from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University and a BS in Business (Finance) from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.