Versametrics was established in 2020 based on research performed at Duke University. When performing measurements of electronic devices using traditional instruments such as source-measurement units (SMUs) and micromanipulator probe stations, several problems arose, such as the inability to perform long term tests on costly shared equipment, laborious probe placement when testing a large number of devices, unreliable contact over long time periods, limited ability to perform simultaneous tests on many devices, lack of multiplexing, lack of portability, and difficulty enacting environmental control on the sample under test. These problems led to the development of a versatile system to resolve these challenges. In an effort to bring these solutions to others, this system has now been developed into the Versametrics Dart, along with associated software and attachment modules. Our hope is that the increased ability to automate experiments across a large sample size of devices will increase the quality and quantity of research in academia and industry alike.