Inventors Currently an Employee or Student at Duke are Responsible for Notifying Duke of Direct Deposit Changes:
If you are a current employee of student at Duke, you will receive your royalty payments via direct deposit. If you bank account information changes, notify Corporate Payroll Services via Duke@Work under MyInfo>MyPay.
Inventors No Longer an Employee or Student at Duke are Responsible for Notifying Duke of Address Changes:
If you have moved and are no longer an employee or student at Duke, you are responsible for notifying both Duke Corporate Payroll Services and the Office of Translation & Commercialization of address changes in order to continue to receive royalty payments.
** Notifying Corporate Payroll Services: Complete and return the Terminated Employee/Student Address Change Form
** Notifying the Office ofTranslation & Commercialization: Contact the OTC Finance Manager, William Tate
Royalty Payments to the Estate or Heirs of Deceased Inventors:
A deceased inventor’s share of royalty income will be paid to their estate or heirs. The executor must contact both Duke Corporate Payroll Services and the Office of Translation & Commercialization to provide a death certificate and estate or heir contact information.
** Notifying Corporate Payroll Services: Contact a Corporate Payroll Services representative at 919-684-2642 or
** Notifying the Office of Translation & Commercialization: Contact the OTC Finance Manager, William Tate
Undeliverable Royalty Checks are Considered Unclaimed Property:
A royalty check mailed to an old/invalid/undeliverable address and returned to Duke, is returned to University Accounts Payable and is considered unclaimed property until you claim it. Information on Duke’s unclaimed property procedures can found at this link: Unclaimed Property.