Title: Workshop for Medical Device Designers
Presenter: Scott Corey, Co-Founder, Key Technologies
When: Monday, April 10 | 7-9pm ET
Where: Wilkinson Building, Room 017
Workshop Description:
The workshop will review the guiding principles behind the medical regulatory framework so that participants develop an appreciation of the foundational logic and philosophy behind medical device regulation. With that understanding, the workshop will walk through the Risk Control and Device Development process with practical examples. Scott will augment the instruction with firsthand lessons learned. Participants should leave the workshop with a good understanding of the critical steps in medical device development.
Speaker Bio:
Scott Corey received the B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the Lehigh University. He co-founded Key Technologies over 25 years ago and has over 30 years of experience designing medical products ranging from diagnostic devices to surgical systems. He has learned through direct experience how to efficiently and successfully develop products in a regulated market. Scott has seen the seen from both the buyer and sellers side how the salability and ultimate value of a medical device can be driven by the quality of the design process.
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