Title: Intellectual Property (IP) for Innovators
Presenter: Greg Carlin, Co-Founder of Meunier Carlin and Curfman
When: Wednesday, October 18 | 7-9pm ET
Where: Hybrid/Wilkinson Building, Room 017
Workshop Description:
This seminar takes a pragmatic approach to spotting and protecting IP, including avoiding pitfalls, so you can punch above your weight when looking for capital, securing competitive leads and making smart commercial partnerships.
Speaker Bio:
Greg Carlin is a co-founder of one of the fastest growing IP law firms in the U.S. Greg has been practicing for over two decades with a particular focus on medical technology and consumer products. Greg has helped dozens of startups protect their IP in an efficient manner and secure hundreds of millions of dollars in funding. Greg has also helped many large companies make strategic investments and acquisitions of new technologies – he knows the other side of the transactions you’re seeking.