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Showing 2 matches for the following: Inventor: "Nair, Smita" ×

Method for the in vitro differentiation of human dendritic cells from hematopoietic stem cells for research and immunotherapy development

Method for the in vitro differentiation of human dendritic cells from hematopoietic stem cells for research and immunotherapy development

Unmet Need Dendritic cells (DCs) play a critical role in the adaptive immune response by capturing and presenting antigens to activate cytotoxic T-cells. As such, naturally occurring DCs are thought to have crucial antitumor activity…

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A novel immune competence blood test to predict responsiveness of tumors to cancer immunotherapy

A novel immune competence blood test to predict responsiveness of tumors to cancer immunotherapy

Unmet Need Cancer immunotherapy provides great advantages over traditional cytotoxic chemotherapy and radiation with more durable clinical outcomes and an improved quality of life. The number of US patients eligible for immunotherapy was estimated to…

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