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Novel Self-Assembling Nanoparticles for Extended Duration Local Anesthetics
Unmet Need An estimated 40 million surgeries are performed every year in the United States. Out of this population, an estimated 80% had post-operative pain with 75% reporting it as moderate to extreme. Local anesthetics…
B-arrestin 1 and 2 conditional knockout mouse models
Technology Duke inventors have created two novel mouse lines for the acute ablation of β-arrestin 1 or β-arrestin 2: Conditional Flox/Cre (tet inducible) β-arrestin 1 KO mice (C57/BL6J background) Conditional Flox/Cre (tet inducible) β-arrestin 2…
Transgenic zebrafish to direct epicardial gene expression
Technology Duke inventors have generated a novel zebrafish model that allows researchers to study epicardial cells during embryonic heart development and myocardial regeneration. This zebrafish line is termed Tg(tcf21:CreER)pd42. Specifically, this transgenic model was created…
Olfactory neuroblastoma mouse model
Unmet Need Olfactory neuroblasoma (ONB) is an agressive tumor that is thought to arise in basal stem cells in the adult olfactory epithelium. This rare cancer affects 1 in 2.5 million people each year with…
Conditional microRNA-9 inhibitor and reporter mouse
Technology Duke inventors have created a novel mouse model termed the conditional microRNA-9 inhibitor and reporter mouse that shows the level of microRNA-9 in all tissues and demonstrates a microRNA-9 deficiency phenoptype. When bred with…
A mouse strain lacking functional GRK4 gene
GRK4 is prominently expressed in testes, with expression also in select brain regions (cerebellum) and other organs and cell types. GRK4 has been implicated in regulation of cerebellar mGluRl and GABA, receptors, and may be…
ZIP fish: zebrafish insulin promoter
Duke scientists have created stable transgenic zebrafish with strict pancreatic, beta cell-specific expression of GFP in embryos, larvae and adult. This model can serve as a high throughput screen for diabetic drugs.
Transgenic zebrafish with hand2 tagged with GFP
Technology Duke inventors have generated transgenic zebrafish with the native hand2 developmental transcription factor tagged with green fluorescent protein (GFP). This allows visualization of the activation of hand2 regulatory sequences and can be used for…
Dopamine transporter knockout mice as a screening tool for anti-parkinsonian and anti-dyskinetic agents
Unmet Need The dopamine precursor L-DOPA is the primary treatment for Parkinson's Disease (PD). However, in addition to alleviating motor deficits associated with PD, 50-90% of patients experience side effects such as dyskinesia after 5-10…
Activated caspase-3 reporter mouse
Technology The activated caspase-3 reporter mouse is an in vivo screening assay for apoptosis (regulated, energy-dependent cell death) in all tissues. Fluorescence miscroscopy of the fluorophore mCerulean reveals levels of caspase-3 activation in cells, and…
Transgenic mouse strains to investigate biased ghrelin receptor (GHSR1a) drug candidates
Technology Duke inventors have created five novel transgenic mice with point, knockout, or humanizing mutations to the ghrelin receptor (GHSR1a): G protein-biased GHSR1a mouse (GHSR-P147A): CRISPR-Cas9 RNA-induced homology-directed repair (HDR) was used to create a…
Mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
Unmet Need Alzheimer’s disease is a neurodegenerative disease marked by loss of cognitive function. There is currently no cure for Alzheimer’s disease. In fact, the limited therapies available only alleviate symptoms for a short time…