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Ultra-wideband transparent conductive electrode for solar and radiation heat management
Unmet Need In the United States, 37% of electricity consumption is attributable to residential use with a sizeable portion of that electricity going towards heating and cooling applications (15% of national energy consumption goes towards…
Zwitterionic-coated surgical mesh to minimize intra-abdominal adhesions
Unmet Need Four million abdominal surgeries are performed annually in the United States. Abdominal adhesions, or fibrous bands that bind tissue together, represent a significant postoperative complication occurring in >50% of patients undergoing abdominal surgery.…
Bioresorbable lactone-based elastomers that can be used in continuous digital light processing 3D printing applications
Unmet Need The global market for 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is growing rapidly with a compound annual growth rate of approximately 21% predicted to occur until 2027. Medical and dental products account for the…
Advanced adaptive cooling fabric
Unmet Need With the rise of temperatures due to global warming, the risk of heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke is on the rise as well. Some of the most vulnerable are those…
Transparent silver nanowire composite film and method of application for flexible touch screens
Unmet Need Current flexible touch screens employ complex haptic feedback for user perception and nanowire mesh materials that have high fog leading to decreased visual acuity. With a flexible display market expected to reach $65.3…
A green and efficient free radical initiator system for producing hydrogels
Unmet Need Hydrogels are heavily employed in agriculture, commercial wound dressings, and hygienic products, with more recent development in biomedical applications, including drug delivery, bioelectronics, bioimaging, and tissue engineering. Free radical polymerization is one of…