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Memory-efficient deep learning algorithms for computed tomography image reconstruction

Memory-efficient deep learning algorithms for computed tomography image reconstruction

Unmet Need Using high resolution images such as computed tomography (CT) has become a popular tool to guide medical interventions from radiotherapy to dental implantation. The market for CT services is expected to grow from…

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A quality control tool for multi-energy X-ray computed tomography imaging

A quality control tool for multi-energy X-ray computed tomography imaging

Unmet Need X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging devices are ubiquitous in any radiology department and CT examinations are among the most commonly ordered diagnostic procedure. Multi-energy computed tomography is an emerging imaging technology that is…

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An optical scanning system that reduces the planning cost associated with 3D dosimetry planning techniques

An optical scanning system that reduces the planning cost associated with 3D dosimetry planning techniques

Unmet Need Radiation therapy is an essential element of cancer treatment that has been estimated to be potentially beneficial to 4 million diagnosed patients every year. Since the turn of the millennium, the sophistication, precision,…

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Performing tissue discrimination for cancer diagnostics using X-ray diffraction imaging

Performing tissue discrimination for cancer diagnostics using X-ray diffraction imaging

Value Proposition Cancer diagnosis is a multi-step process involving a variety of specialties. Radiologists use macroscopic imaging systems to determine where to look for potential cancer, while pathologists use microscopic imaging to confirm cancer at…

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Coded aperture X-ray scatter imaging

Coded aperture X-ray scatter imaging

Value Proposition The ability to non-invasively image the molecular composition of an object is desirable in a number of application areas such as medical imaging, security, structural integrity verification, and homeland defense. While x-ray imaging…

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