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The Air-X Syringe: using airway loss of resistance for safer cricothyroidotomies

The Air-X Syringe: using airway loss of resistance for safer cricothyroidotomies

Unmet Need Between 13-20 million tracheal intubations are performed in the US each year, including surgical and emergency intubations. When the upper airway is obstructed, a needle cricothyroidotomy can be used to insert a catheter…

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A software for more easily monitoring physiological data through improved visualization and machine learning analysis

A software for more easily monitoring physiological data through improved visualization and machine learning analysis

Value Proposition With inexpensive wearable sensors, physiological data monitoring has extended beyond clinical anesthesia and emergency medicine and into in-home healthcare. Waveforms such as electrocardiography (ECG) and photoplethysmography (PPG) contain valuable information about a patient’s…

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