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A method for treating pain and inflammation using GPR37 agonists

A method for treating pain and inflammation using GPR37 agonists

Unmet Need Uncontrolled inflammation is a prominent component of many common diseases and is the root cause of chronic pain. When inflammation persists, the inflammatory factors are never completely cleared from the system, leading to…

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Enhancing immune responses in a variety of applications with a lymph node targeting biodegradable nanoparticle

Enhancing immune responses in a variety of applications with a lymph node targeting biodegradable nanoparticle

Unmet Need While vaccines have resulted in plummeting mortality rates in the human population over the last century, significant challenges remain for which current vaccine formulations fall short. For example, current influenza vaccines are unable…

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Strengthening a patient’s immune functions to prevent infectious diseases without developing antibiotic resistance

Strengthening a patient’s immune functions to prevent infectious diseases without developing antibiotic resistance

Unmet Need Despite the development of numerous antibiotics over the years, the arms race between humans and emergent antibiotic-resistant microbes remains. More than 2.8 million antibiotic-resistant infections and 35,000 deaths occur in the U.S. each…

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Novel small molecule mast cell activator vaccine adjuvants

Novel small molecule mast cell activator vaccine adjuvants

Value Proposition Mast cells (MCs) are innate immune cells highly prevalent in the dermal region of the skin and in the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urinary tract mucosa. The strategic location at the host–environment interface and…

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