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Antigenome Platform: An autoantigen discovery pipeline

Antigenome Platform: An autoantigen discovery pipeline

Unmet Need The human body contains approximately 60 trillion antibodies per microliter of blood in circulation, creating a vast and complex network of immune interactions. Identifying the targets of this plethora of antibodies is a…

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Olfactory neuroblastoma mouse model

Olfactory neuroblastoma mouse model

Unmet Need Olfactory neuroblasoma (ONB) is an agressive tumor that is thought to arise in basal stem cells in the adult olfactory epithelium. This rare cancer affects 1 in 2.5 million people each year with…

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Breast cancer risk prediction technology using genomic classifier

Breast cancer risk prediction technology using genomic classifier

Unmet Need The earliest form of breast cancer, ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), is diagnosed in almost 50,000 people in the U.S. each year. DCIS is considered noninvasive, as abnormal cells have not spread out…

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HIV-1 incidence biomarkers

HIV-1 incidence biomarkers

Background Measures of HIV incidence are used to help public health officials, researchers, and policy makers monitor the epidemic, evaluate the impact of interventions, and assist in the identification of sites for HIV prevention trials.…

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A method for identifying sour-taste receptor ligands as well as compounds that modulate their activity

A method for identifying sour-taste receptor ligands as well as compounds that modulate their activity

Unmet Need The taste system is essential for feeding and survival as it helps humans evaluate the nutritional content in food. Every year, taste and smell dysfunctions affect more than 200,000 people, including those undergoing…

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