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A gene implicated in the causation of kidney disease

A gene implicated in the causation of kidney disease

Duke University is seeking a company interested in commercializing a risk assessment test and/or a therapeutic product targeting a gene which has been implicated in Glomerulonephritis. Focal and segmental glomeruloschlerosis (FSGS) is a significant cause…

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Spike detection and data compression for a brain machine interface

Spike detection and data compression for a brain machine interface

Technology Systems, Methods, and Computer Program Products for Transmitting Neural Signal Information. Systems, method, and computer program products are provided for neural signal transmission. A system according to one embodiment can include a signal receiver…

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APOE polymorphisms associated with SEPSIS risk

APOE polymorphisms associated with SEPSIS risk

Duke University is seeking a company interested in commercializing a novel and versatile diagnostic/prognostic methodology which teaches identifying a patient who will have a post operative reduced risk of sepsis based on the pre-op detection…

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Stem cell-derived factors for treating pathologic conditions

Stem cell-derived factors for treating pathologic conditions

1.3 million Americans experience a heart attack (acute myocardial infarction or AMI) each year. A significant percentage of these patients die from restricted blood flow to the heart (ischemia) and significant loss of cardiac function.…

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BANJO: Software and algorithms for the efficient and flexible inference of Bayesian and dynamic Bayesian networks

BANJO: Software and algorithms for the efficient and flexible inference of Bayesian and dynamic Bayesian networks

Duke University is seeking a company interested in commercializing a novel and versatile software. BANJO is software for the efficient and flexible inference of Bayesian and dynamic Bayesian networks. The target of the Banjo tool…

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Black blood delayed enhancement magnetic resonance imaging

Black blood delayed enhancement magnetic resonance imaging

Technnology Duke University is seeking a corporate partners to commercialize a method of improved detection of infarcted heart tissue. The technology provides a dark blood delayed enhancement technique that improves the visualization of subendocardial infarcts…

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C-nitroso donors of neutral nitric oxide to treat hypertension and other diseases

C-nitroso donors of neutral nitric oxide to treat hypertension and other diseases

Value proposition Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, can lead to severe complications and increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and death. About 1 out of 3 US adults, or about 75 million…

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Acoustic lens for shockwave lithotripsy

Acoustic lens for shockwave lithotripsy

Systems and methods for providing therapeutic shock waves are provided. A modified acoustic lens can include a first lens portion for directing a first part of an acoustic shock wave pulse toward a target and…

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Composition and methods of multi-targeted siRNA cocktail for treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme

Composition and methods of multi-targeted siRNA cocktail for treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme

Value Proposition Glioblastoma is the most common primary malignant brain tumor in adults, and the prognosis of this disease is dismal, despite aggressive standard-of-care therapy with chemoradiation and gross tumor resection. Several molecular mechanisms are…

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Tunable metamaterial

Tunable metamaterial

Technology Metamaterial comprising a plurality of resonators disposed on a substrate, the substrate comprising a dielectric support layer and a relatively thin semiconductor layer, having a Schottky junction between at least one conducting resonator and…

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Automated segmentation of layered structures such as retinal layers using graph cuts

Automated segmentation of layered structures such as retinal layers using graph cuts

Disclosed herein are systems and method for segmentation and identification of structured features in images. According to an aspect, a method may include representing an image as a graph of nodes connected together by edges.…

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XCAT phantom CT projector

XCAT phantom CT projector

The XCAT, MOBY, and ROBY phantoms include a great amount of anatomical detail that make them suitable for use in high-resolution CT imaging research. To simulate CT imaging process, we developed a CT projector that…

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