DIHI Announces 2019 RFA Innovation Awards
The Duke Institute for Health Innovation (DIHI) has announced that it will support high-potential innovation projects in the areas of population health and analytics, novel patient interactions, new and team-based models of care, and optimization…
A Farewell to Sen. Bayh, author of Bayh-Dole Act
Sen. Bayh will be sorely missed by the tech transfer world. The Bayh-Dole Act changed patent laws and propelled the US into the age of innovation. Longtime friend and former staffer for Sen. Bayh pens…
Celebrating Women in Innovation
Duke is an innovative place to be right now! And we want to highlight just a few of the women here making significant contributions to the world of science and innovation. From information security for…
Showcasing Innovation at 2nd “Invented at Duke” Celebration
From Antiperspirant Lotion To Waste Treatment To Targeted Radiotherapy – Duke Made Yet Another Exhibition Of Ingenious Innovations That Span Numerous Fields And Applications. Riding on the success of the first “Invented at Duke” event…
Duke Celebrates Innovation & Entrepreneurship at 1st Annual “Invented at Duke”
“Commercialization turns discovery into invention, enabling Duke researchers to fulfill our institution’s mission of bringing knowledge to bear in service to society.” –President Price A puncture-proof vascular graft, silicone microspheres, improved eye disease imaging, a…
DIHI announces 2019 RFA Innovation Awards
Duke Health invests in innovation projects The Duke Institute for Health Innovation (DIHI) has announced that it will support high-potential innovation projects in the areas of population health and analytics, novel patient interactions, new and…
DIHI announces 2019 RFA Innovation Awards
Duke Health invests in innovation projects The Duke Institute for Health Innovation (DIHI) has announced that it will support high-potential innovation projects in the areas of population health and analytics, novel patient interactions, new and…
Different Roads to Translation
Robin Rasor, Matthew Becker, PhD, Arif Kamal, MD, MBA, Howard Levinson, MD, Stefan Roberts, PhD.
Medical Innovation Challenge
Join the world’s largest medical innovation accelerator program and $50K prize program! Align with leading medtech consortia representing over $20 billion in health technology contracting authority. This challenge is the first in a series of…